Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)

The Caa Cfofre learlsr--15 Saturday, August 77, 1755 BRIDGE Tolcyision ffiaio Programs Supply Adequate to Meet Demand 1 Drairfon Water System Today's Business Mirror Information contained in them program it mtpplied by the radio-TV stations and NEVER GIVE FOB ANT BARGAINS By OSWALD JACOBT Written for NEA Service yvpixiKea at a puoiie eervtce, rnii jxxper it not responsible tor incorrect Uttingtm Continues to Be Heavy Firms to Get Less When the opponents announce ficials will attend the state meeting of the Wisconsin League that they intend to make a sacrifice bid, you are foolish to let them have a bargain. Sine they of Municipalities at Madison In Government Help October. F. D. KuckuK.

cirector are handing you a manic check, of public works, will take part Eau aalre's citizens and In-dustrles used 18,370,000 gallons of water Thursday desplt the suggested restrictions on lawn sprinkling, officials said Friday. It was pointed out, however, that the peak load, recently reached between 4 and 8 p. was somewhat less than previ it Is up to you to till In a nice larre amount. in a panel discussion inert ucx. 14.

i In today's hand tne nrst round only one-half billon comes about By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK (AP)-Treasury AH the projects mentioned of bidding was very Informative. this way: were Included in the plans tor East could tea that his partner Secretary Humphrey gives bus THE CONVENTIONAL budget 1953 and fipds lor them were containedJn the budget for this ous days this 1 week and that facilities proved ample to han had heart support and some side strength for the free raise. It was quits possible, perhaps even iness a broad hint today what It can and can't expect In the way" of help from the govern the one the President submits to the Congress ach January-does not include th money pass year, Rowlands, pointed out. dle the demand, i It was expected that the demand would be somewhat probable, mat west naa a sin- ment as it starts its new year. ins In and out of the Treasury rleton spade since the opponents WCCO TV KSTP-TV Sat.

WEAU-790 WRFW WBIZ-1 400 Channel 4 Channel 3 a. m. NSC 1030 MBS 6 a Mora. Ttorti Btw Da, af Afrtaailart tit. MoralBfl TwA BaS Farat Tlaa Mora Taaat Motaaaia fa Usual Rural Baaaar tu mm Ooaalry Joaraal ttoeteal aa tha Moat, Ett 7mmmmmmm mm waK BurUaahaai WUiara Itaai rata Bar.

ta Alara Oat arai Sea Ta Vara Tlaa Bar. la AJartj CDaak mm Ttaa, Ttaa Taaa Para Tlaa Ntiri r.m,vm Ml m. Bawti Weathtf Baaoftia Wtalhtt Sport Trta. Baatt Wwa Kmi Bjaar Boat aTsaadtas Hillbilly Bit taraaa Meat Bar. la Alara Cat' Ami ftratr Boot Baadla tltm, HillbUlf Bit Paraa Alara Ctoea Club Uttaawf Die art 114 Byeiaf Baal 4b Saaola mm BUIbilla BM Faraaa Alara Ckwk Cluk Ootfet Tlaa MUKif BaeH 4b Sadala MS mm Blllbtli ru arad Alara Ooci Chib Tlia.

Spaaa Bairal Bool 4b Sa441a Av Btani Doodr Tala tor Tote U. al Wn. Baaf" tpatt Fatral Boot 4b Baaala II Bawdy Doody Tala for Tou Smaaaa a Riaa Srava. RaaaaT Sky Kln Bavdy Daady KPO tm rarty h.vi Disk MM Red Rrawa. Raata? Sky Kll HowAr Doady RFD 10a Party Story Tlaa upw Clrcu Saturday Jaaboraa' a.

Dniaated'a Stora lrty RPO tot Party ftlory Ttaa tupw ana Saturday Jaabona III III Dntaaa4'b Slora Party RPO lata Party Slaty Tla) Ram upar Ctraua aatarday 4abaraa III Rraaktaat a BoUyaa BPD l6 Party Soda! SmriIU aupf Clr.ua Saturday Jaakaraa Rraakrart a BoUyaocd RPO ton Party Qart Star Talaat Bial. Saturday ''jaabara a Chip Valtoy Jaakaraa Rack la lha Rlbla Proudly Wa Ball ralral Baal Saturday Jaabaraa II Hi Chip Vally Jaabaraa Rack la lha Rlbla Praadly a Ball BaMbaO Sebeal Saturday Jaaharaa II -B Oa lb A If aawt Para MarUbj Per Vataraaa Oaty ai.ba Saaaat Saturday Jaabora Oldttaa alaala Oo-oy Tlaa Mtwt KSTF-TV Bat Aft WEAU-7W WRFW 1080 WBIX 140" World al ATtaUoa WMUra Thtra A 0k Waalban DteaaraaS Mnli Auatloa M.v Maa aa tha Para World al ATlatloa Wtora ThMlra I m. Jaakarta R.a. Hu a th Para If Our Thtatr WMUra Thtatra I A a Saa Praak Taakovleb Shaw i Qua Taoatra Ura Thatr ai DaaarbaS Jaabota Marin. Corp, Bbow Matteaa BtolodHa if Oua Thaatra P.auir it B'l Para 4 Baaa Br.

Happy Day BASEBALL: if Oaa Thtatra P.alur I Para 41 Boaa Br Happy Day If Oua Thaatra P.alur. I a m. Marak at tUdlaa Happy Day CMcfaa Duraut Dop Patur i Towa 4j Cbualrf Tlaa Happy Day Tha new year for many ousi on Its way to and from tha va less In lint with the request that had bid that suit so vigorously, nesses actually suns next those residing on tne even nura- month. If the expected pick-up It was also probable that West had the ace of clubs and some way of taking care of East's comes after Labor Day. bus bered sides of streets use water for sprinkling purposes and that Budget Cuts Not Trimming rlous federal trust zunds sucn as tha social security cms Into which workers and employers pay money and from which pen- t.

sloners draw money. iness will plan accordingly look iosinsr diamonds. ing toward a big uinstmas cu- As It happened, however, East max. These funds, go didn't worry himself about pos But this year business will those on odd numbered sides, who had their sprinkling day Thursday, would desist NO PLANS WERE revealed for any restrictions next week. 'Voice' Work sibilities or probabilities.

He have to put more of its weight knew that he wouldn't have to on Its own feet and lean less on play the hand at six hearts. WASHINGTON (UP) Voice a cane supplied by the govern The distribution system can along with every other Treasury receipt and expenditure to make up th cash budget. When the cash budget runs Into th red'- th Treasury has to borrow creating th "new money which inflates th nation's cred North had already announced of America broadcasts to Rus ment. his Intention of sacrificing In That there'll be less monetary sia and Iron Curtain countries will be continued at their pres spades against any nigh heart inflation to boost business is the bid. The vulnerability being conclusion businessmen are ent rates despite a 23 per cent handle more than 18,000,000 gallons a day without being unduly taxed if the use of water Is spread over the entire day instead of a few hours, it was emphasized.

Discussing current city proj drawing today from Sec. Hum reduction In the -payroll of the it system and brings on lunation. 1 what It was, it was practically impossible for North to change jN Carnal Quartka BASEBALL U. S. Information Agency, oi phrey expectation of closing his fiscal year's books next June La it fiscal vear.

tor xampie, 2a bis mind ll cast promptly bid a currant ttuaauoo. Bob Pataraoa Sbaw Coaady PUa tCoaady PUa Paatur Faatur ficials said Friday. Thev said the cutback In em small slam. Happy Daya Happy Day JUppy Day Happy Day mm Rob rttanoa aaew with a cash shortage of only CbarU.toa the cash budget was short by almost 5H billion dollars. ects, City Manager David Rowlands said that work of improv around 500 million dollars.

Boa Proa Shea- East therefore Jumped to six PbUad.lphla Ma Mobuira Ma afcOuIr Mm MeOuIr Sbov Ma UeOulr. Sboa This would mean only a half Bob Pawraoa ahow Rob Pataraoa Shew W.tUra Th.atr. W.tra Thiatr W.Ura Th.alr. WMUra Thtatr ing the McDonough and Lee St. ployment ordered.

Thursday will not curtail Voice programming of about 10 hours of original broadcasts dally to Russia and hearts with great assurance and speed. South passed miserably, billion of "new money" pumped Bob' Ptora Sbaw St. Paul Happy Day Happy Day Happy Day "Bobby ArtBba Bobby Art Show into the economy. the satellites. The dally output Bob Patonaa Sonw In recent years this new mon World Around 0 World Around Pla Wlffln Show Coaady PUm Walter Prarioa Shaw WalUr Pra.loa Show Waltat Praatoa Bhaa Waliar Praalea Sba playgrounds is progressing with the placing of a layer of black dirt on them.

Some complaints of dust arising had been received, the manager said, but this is more or less a normal 1 m. j.uy ElllOt my CowVoy 0Ma Is Increased by repeating some Talk. Jiut aluM Talk. oat alualb lab mm Paul Pafb Staff otaboy ey flow has been many times larger and a chief source of the suspecting that ha might have two spade tricks, but not daring to take any action. North had no defense against a vulnerable slam, and therefore carried on by making the sacrifice bid he programs.

TalMl Patrol If this year the cash dencit is cut to only 500 million dollars, businessmen are right In holding thatlnflatlon is no longer a threat f. and that deflation Is the thing they're more likely to find facing them in the new business, year starting afterLabor Day. But before th VJS. Treasurr-t reaches that happy next June when It's almost In balance, therell plenty of stress and strain along th way. inflation which brought the pur 5-JJ-tt mm Indlaab4 Show lluila Bhaa In announcing the outline of W.tUra W.itara W.itara Thaatra Thaatra Maw otla Thorn Onh.

Sport Parada Otta Tbura' Oreb. Oaew Otla Dtaa isckay Dmnr DU Oatl Otta Olaa ioakty B. Saukhaaa Talral Patrol Baal lha Clock Raat la Clock chasing power of the dollar down condition in dry weather. future aeency operation under Spartti Waalhar so sharply, but made business bad already promised to make. a reduced budget.

Director Fencing Is also being placed at several of the playgrounds WCCO-TV KSTP-TV Sat Eva. WEAU T90 cash sales volume look so big. WBFW10M WBIZ 1400 East was Quite happy to dou The difference between an ex which have lacked this protec Theodore O. Strelbert said Voice programs will "hammer away at the uncertainties, the doubts ble six spades. He hadn't been sure of six hearts anyway (and pected budget deficit of tour bil tion for the children and will be 6 If mlatura Thaatra aflnlatur Thaatra Orlflaal Amataur Hour aa ArehN Aadrav :1 Arehl Aadr rJfM MIL EaiWabora Larry Starch Larry (torch Larry atorch Larry torch Al BUr Raw Wh.r la Tb World; N.wi lion dollars and a cash deficit of wouldn't have made It, of completed this fall.

and suspicions behind the Iron uodowa Saraaada Suadowa Saraaada Muilcal loterlud Sundova Saraaada a Suadowa; Srnad Suadowa Saraaada ifB oa and Bamboo curtains." tie saia broadcasts In the future also Py mZ Closing New York Stocks Hop- "Bf Caatldy HopaloDf Caatldy Wild BIU Rlekok Wild BUI Blekok Sat. Nit Batltw at. Nit BTtw Sal. Nit BVMU Bat. Nit RTl Tal.Dt OSA Nw Talral DBA NW Talaat OSA N.v Talwl DBA OutUoa OoatUoa la th Dufout BASEBALL: will Play up significant develop The extension of city water and sewer mains to Carson Park and Rod and Gun club park makes possible' the construction of rest rooms creating Improved sanitary conditions, Rowlands pointed out.

A rest room will ments "in tne Kremlin power Nw TtlMst'ciA Wear) is Caa SB Ota Edit tmB on. struggle. Par Du-Out Dopa BASEBALL: lfmaaapoll Sal. Nit Botww Sal Nit Botmw Or.at.tt Plfbtt Tha Blf Playback NOKTH tS 4QJI7J VSt 2 aWMIS IAST (D) Alt VAKQ0I4 AK10S 4 ns 114 N.a Taltnt OSA OranJ nropry Oraad 01' Oprp ADMIRAL Aa Air Aa Cyan Aa Bad A a Mm. "SisE i WEST 494 The statement suggested that the Elsenhower administration is cutting new emphasis on the also be built at Owen park Eddy Arnold Show Eddy Arnold thaw Whoop Jour Show Suaatt Vall.y SudmI Vall.y Tb.

Ooldb.rf Tb Ooldb.rg tVt Aa Wool Aaaeoada Atehltoa These facilities will be finished Curl Wr TH DEEBBJ DuPoat rm Oaa 13 TJ Oaa Uotort Ooodrtch ft Or.yhmirtd 134 ILL CENT lat Bar tot Nlektl Oolumbut Wboopt Joha Shew RADIO CP mm a 1S SCHENLET 3'. Star Book II ShMlatr Std OS tat Ji Swift CM CARS MV PB Air mm Vt Buhbar M4 US Staal MMt PENS) Wtl OR mm m. WatiwortB a Voice of America as a psychological warfare weapon in the early this fall, according to present plans. S.C. B.ar QtMttloat Nawa, Boor.

hoard Dane Oreh. Daoa Orch.tra Daac. Oreb. Bottaif CattrpU Nwt Jottph Rarteh Nw mm NBC Dtac Oreb. HBO Daae Oreh.

Today' H.adUn Wtathaj; Sport Tb Blf Pletur Th Blf Pletur struggle against communism Relieious broadcasts, for ex TENNIS COURTS at Carson NtwiJ Wtathtt Nlfhl Owl Playh't 13 Mrf LOEWS IlTk 10 11 atAQ4III' eovra AAKKI 11 QJI54 II Park, on which little work has HARSH UO 1 Saory athatS C.lan.M CM Corp Chi RI ItR CbryaltT B.wt! rtl a been done in recent years, will Mont Wars. ample, will be Increased to Soviet satellite areas where the Communists have treid to cur-tall religious activities of the Thaatra Starllfbt Thaatar StarllfM Thaatar StarllfM Tbaatat Daae Oreb. Daaca Oreb. Dane Oreb. Dano Oreb.

Nwl W.ath.r Nltht Owl Playh't Hit hi Owl Playh't Bifbfrawl Plajrh't Motorola be resurfaced this fall, the city Saortbor4 1t Saarfatbord US; Mtwt manager noted. Rowlands and other city of people. .5 WCCO-TV KSTP-TV Sun AM WEAU 780 WRFW 1050 WBIZ 1400 Caai SjU West Nrth Milwaukee Livestock MILWAUKEE (AP -i Hogs: DowJoncs Averages St Sales if ia a Pass Pan PouMt Pas Pass Pass 500; steady; good and choice Suaday Baiwaada Sunday Sareaaaa Sunday Saraaada Suaday Saraaada ej mm HS-t middleweight ana strongweigni butchers 24.00-24.50. ton 24.75 HM.MH a. mm mm MM Suaday Ames Emerlch Inc.

at Mu.1 HaU .11 Sua. Mutw HaU mm Country Journal -l mm Country Journal 7 Today" 285.74 Sunday Saraaada Moraant aa tha Moneat aa tha prim heavy butchers 21.00-22.50; light butchers 21.00-23.00; lleht sow 22.00-22.50: medium PaaDy Hyaaal Paally Hyanal ttu Frev. pay 365.7U Week Ago 271.93 OU course), but he could be sure of scoring a nici profit against six spades. The play showed East to be HA AA aa-B B.d.a.a 98.41 102.78 102.56 112.21 Revltti 50.25 50.79 50.61 83.88 47 XI Htw Dr Boa 4aaa Sap Chapel Sbtf era Paul Careoa Water Thaatra Ttat Pattara WMUra rhaatra Wartara Watara rbaatra WattarR WMtara Th.atra Wattara 8 weigni sows u.w-u.av; ncavjr sows 19.00-20.00; stags 13.00- Old Year Ago 271.44 High 1953 293.79 18.00: boars 11.00-13.00. quite correct East won the first pa Palth a Ptllowahlf itT mm rallb 41 PtUewthla Bl as mm.

World Rw Bale Speak mm 'oro Lothtraa Chureh" 44 Orae Loth.raa Cburah mm Orao Lutb.ra Crturab mm LuUiara Chureb 98.37 Low 1953 262.88 Cattle: 200: weak; helfert bb Ma UsfVflfBy BaatRI Betttai Hour Fail City Chapel New Vole af Prooiteey Voice at Paophoey trick witn tne queen ox nearts, cashed the king of hearts, and 9 Coal Weekly Ouett Coaduetar Ouatl Conductor Ou.it Conductor Tb Ooapal Boor Wattara BUly Orabaa Mr 4aya SuiIbm and Comtdy PUa Plaanea Comtdy PUa and yearllnes prime 24.00-25.00; choice 22.00-24.00: good 18.00- then switched to the king ox ua SALES Today 1.060.000 Prev. Day 1,290,000 Week Ago 850,000 Year Ago 980.000 21.00: commercial 15.0017.00; Chrlttiaa Sewaea Pfi pranc Braeet Broafwld S01401 LAJ. fa Clair, wit, Mmm1M fries RNm lM 4:0 MM Saturday Waiter Wattara Prootlart of Palth ProoU.rt af PalUs Church at te Abr Church at th Air dairy bred heifen commercial Hour of Palth Hour af Faith Paltk lot Today Palth tat Today Perry Coma Jan. Oarbtr Saaay Kayo Baaay Baya ion MS monds. He next took the king of clubs, followed with the ace of diamonds, and then carefully Wloft of Rtalloy Church lb Air wm M.aiuif 13.00-11,00 5 iruuiy u.w-im.w; utility cows 9.50-10.50: cutters led a third diamond.

West nat K.i; Worthlp Bart lea Now. Puaoaalitiaa Towar- at Truth Mawt. Paraonalltla Tower at Truth SU Oua Thaatra Wattara Thaatra Church a SWaaB urally rutted, -forcing dummy to Eplphaay LotbaraR Epiphany Lutbaraa Al Sack Orebaetra -Al Sack Orebettra Hi: Ml-- mm 8.50-9.50; canners 7.00-8.00; bulls commercial 13.00-14.005 utility wortnn aerriea Worthlp Atrrica Worthlp Serrlee BUI CunnUfha Saarad Heart overrun, now south had to lose Six Oun Theatre W.tUra Theatre Sab ft S. St. Paul livestock SOUTH ST.

PAUL (AP) 10.00-12.50. a second club trick, for a penal WCCO-TV KSTP-TV Sub Aft WEAU TO WBFW 105 WBIZ 1400 Calves: 300; steady; choice ty of 1100 points. CARD SENSE Parada at Boaa Parada af Born 1 Bloa Lotbaraa Obarefe Hob Lothtraa Chureb Htwe vealers 23.00-24.00; a few at 25.00; good 18.00-22.00; com- tnarofal arui UtilltV 14.00-18.00: Wettera Thaatra Wetttra Theatre -BPD-TV BPD Tf 121 Oay Loabarda Mtwt Btw Suaday Beranad Lawr.nce Oreb. BASEBALL; Lawreae Wlk Oreb. With both sides vulnerable, Thai I tb Life Thle It tha Lift au 1 cuiis 10.00.12to.

the bidding has beent Tb CathoU Hour Sereaada a Blue Chlcato East i.v South west Wort Beulah Beulab Sheep: 100: steady: good to The Caiaolle Bow of Wla, Bead 1--4tw Let' Play Show LeVb lar-Sbo-PtaUire Feature Cattle: calve 600: very dull market on all slaughter cattle; choice and prim grade, scarce but evenly steady to 50 lower; al lower grades 50c off: many commerclarwdgooa -r steers and now 2.00-3.00 lower for week, cows another 50c lower; bulls weak to 50a off; vealers steady, but alaugh-ter calves under pressure; pack 1 Diamond Pass INT 18pades choice native lambs 19.00-20.00; Better Lrrtof Mind Tour Maoaart Mind Tour Manner 'Mmm tt Theatre Pass Th UcM tor tb Day at The Llfht for th Day 1 DAV Prof raa Ouett Stat Ntw Tork W. Zltbartb Mtlodla Seendtoarlea Too, South, holdt Spades Q-6- yearlings 14.00-18.00; light ewes and bucks 6.00 downward, heavy culls and bucks 4.00 downward. Beandtoarlan Brtw.r At Toraa III Ta Be Announced To Be Annoaneed Boa Parade Boa Parade J-t, Hearts K-J4-S, Ola-monds Ootpet Ec hoe ts aaaaf Baaay -Baya Saaay Bay Tha Blf Pletur Th Blf Picture Bone, Clubs A4-S-S 2. What do ootpet you dot Uat Unto My Feet Eukia, Praa OUIe Ump Data My Pert Bukla. Praa Olll age high choice 1057 lb.

steers A Bid three diamonds. This Hour at Faith Boar af Palth Paul Wt.loa Paul Weetea mm Sunday Sereaada Sunday Sereaada mm Sunday Saraaada lU mm Sunday Serenade Maa of th week Amtricaa rorua 25.50; average to high choic Maa af th Week of to Air is clearly a cue bid, since you would not dream of showing a 3 '4 Adventure Late Stock and Bond Quotations SMBS-BMBMV OB. DATTON OBBBOB orrtcB Adventure 4 rour Hour of Hltt -m four Hour of Hit Mmm Tour Hour of Hit Tour Hour of Hit Amataur Chef Amateur Chef Date with Judy Data with Judy Proudly HaS Radio Workabop Joti Mu.le Ba Talk, Jatt Mu.ie 1068 lbs. 25.00; load choice 881 lb. heifers 22.00; commercial steers and helfert 12.00-15.50; commercial cow 12.50, most Adventure Adventure real diamond suit at this stage of the bidding.

Your intention is to show control of the diamond suit, strong support for spades. Coatldlne utility cows 10.00-11.00; com Admiral Corp. .24 Tou Atktd For It Tot Atktd For It Vara playtime Matt the Veep Newt: loom Newt- Del Statos Trio Sundown Serenade Suadowa Serenade Nick Carter CecS Browa Squad Room Seued Boom Wlnchcll tt Mahoney Wlhchell At Mahoney WtncheU a Mahoney WlnchcU Mahoney and a mild hope that the com PlanoOrt an Duo Your Playtime Booth Fisheries 13 -ia Brown and Blgelow No sale bined hands can produce a slam. mercial and good bulls u.3u 13.00; good to prime vealers 19.00-24.00; utility and commer clal 14,00.18.00., TODAY'S QUESTION Canadian Pacific ......23 WCCO-TV KSTP-TV Sun Eve. WBFW 105 WEAU rot WBIZ 1400 The bidding is the same as in Consolidated Vultee ...17 it Juvenile Jury Hoes 5,000: fairly active; the question Just answered.

You, Toatt af tb Towa Toatt af tha Towa Tout Ot tha Towa 61 Uaihackled Oaabaefclad Suadowa ftrtatd Suadowa Sereaada Nick Carter Rick Carter Lethe raa Baa Lutheraa Hour The Blf Payoff The. Blf Payoff Tne Blf Payoff Tb Blf Payoff Juvenile jury American Forum the Air- South, hold: Spades 6-2, Hearts Q-J-5, Diamonds 7, Clubs K-J-10- FideUty Fund, Inc. Fuller Mfg. 14 -15 Glsholt Machine 17 48 Madison Gas .33 -34 Tout of the Towa TV Thaatra it Tony Martin Show Sereaadt 5 Suadowa Sign Off 94-2. What do you do? Answer Tomorrow TV Playboute TV Playboute TV Playboua TV Theatre Arthur Murray Tony MarUa Bbow Bett Plart Hawaii Call RawaU CalU la the Dufout BASEBALL; Mass, Inv.

Trust 18.59-20.10 tenzeirex 65c thistcn 49c bisteen tablets 98c general market 50c higher; instances on sows up more; choic 180-240 lb. barrows and gilts 23.75-24.75; choic 240-270 lbs. 23.50-24.50; 140-160 lbs. 21.00-22.50; choice sows 400 lbs. down 20.00-23.00; around 400 lbs." and up 18.00-20.50; feeder pigs Phtybouae Arthor Murray stt Bert Playt Minneapolis 22-23 Minnesota 'and Ontario 26V-28 Beloit Farmer Believed Killed by Bull, Cows Nafl.

Pressure Cooker 11-11 Nd. Indiana Pub. Serv, 27 -28 resiso 95ci No. States Pr. of Mlnnrl2 steady; good and choic 20.50 BELOIT (UP) William J.

Rekett, 70, Route Two, Beloit 21.00. -i Otter TaU Power Shakespeare Co. was found dead on a farm about Signode Steel 15-1614 Rant. Rider Nothing But the fm Rett Playa Range Rider Bett pTb TV Theatee Porelga fatrlgue Conteuloa TV Theatre Porelga Intrigue MS Conteuloa CO. Bear Favorite Story Bummer Theatre.

Barrie Craig Pavortt Story Summer Theatre mm Barrle Craig vt Muterpteee Theatre Summer Theatre Snl the Pre J. Mattefpatce Theatre Summer Theatre Moot the Prate Oraad Fork Matterpiee Theatre BUI Ingram A fiowt Bow. Scot. board IMuterpieee Theatre Oeorg Ortm 111 fl Jet. Fltamf Hewa Daaa Ore, MuUrplec.

Tfaeatat Weather; Thli I wl Taipayar Dane Orehettra ataaterptee Thaatra Dlrtland i Cote Oiee Chik Daae Orebaetra Walter WlncneD Starlight wwt; Slnaeer Caaeerl Daaea Orebaetra Show People Theatre I I 25 Slumber Coneert Daaea Orehettra Nlghtow Playb'aa Starlight Theater A A Slumber Concert Daoce Orohattm Nlfbtowl Playh't Siarliibt Theater Slumcar Concert: Bewt Dance Orehettra J. six miles west of here Thursday Southern Co. .........14 ADAfwlS DRUG STORE Sheep: slaughter lambs opening mostly 1.00 lower; slaughter ewes about steady; feeding lambs weak to 50c low- er; good and choice native spring lambs 18.50-19.00; good and choice slaughter ewes most Standard Milling 9-10 Trane Co. night and authorities said they thought he was killed by cattle. Rekett was found dead on the obert Rltter farm.

Officials said he apparently was gored by U. S. Rubber 24 FREE PARKING Phone 8331 502 Wotet St. Webster Chicago 9-10 ly 5.00-5.50; good and choice a ouu or trampled by cows. Winters and Crampton 7.

8 Wis. Power and Light Wis. Public Service native feeding lambs I5.uo-i3.ou. Country Club Kiwanians Play Golf, See Game "7 The Eau Claire Kiwanis Club Chicago Cash Grain CHICAGO (AP) Cash wheat: Chicago Potatoes None. CHICAGO (AP) (USDA) Po tatoes: Arrivals 181.

on track held a golf outing at Hillcrest TONY MALOM'S 358; total U. S. shipments 460; uoll Club Thursday. More than WEAU-FM SSTOBDAT AM Daalleatloa :0 Howdr Deadr Sbov Braakfatl ta BoUraood tm ATatarb at Arcblt Aadraw (: Mary La Taylor Bbear U)0 My Bterat tiery Modara Banaaara Toa Coactrt MUaaoka Bravt tt. Bt Tarfc OlaoU.

M-Dcalaa for LUtenlni Wbat't tn Scort I Marie Batt af Baada )-ea atari bi Attloa JJO Mutte Taa Waat 4 Tb Aathar Spaalu 4r4J PubrJa Affalrt Oaara Hlckt supplies liberal; demand fair; Corn: No, 1 yellow 1.67; No. 2 1.67; No. 3 1.66; sample grade 1.47 Oats: No. 1 heavy white 79H. Barley, Malting 1.30-65, feed market about steady on best rus 40 local and visiting Kiwanians played golf 1h the afternoon.

Dinner was at 6:30 and after that sets, others slightly weaker; Idaho-Oregon long whites 3.00- the Bear baseball game in Car 25; Idaho russets 3.75; Wash ington long whites 3.00-25; russets 3.55-75; Wisconsin Pontiacs 2.10-40, red warbas 1:75. son Park. President Ted Litsheim presented Lt. Gov. Orville Otteson, New Richmond, who in turn in Has Calcutta on Saturday The Eau Claire Country Club has staged a Calcutta for Saturday afternoon with eight foursomes lined up for participation.

Following is a list of i No. 1 George Campen, Dave Steven, Les Heardon and Frank Wood; No. 2 Dave Donnellan, Frank Yates, McClellan. and I. J.

Mackenzie; No. 3 Jim Schroeder, Al Burseth, L. W. Reynolds and Larry Riley; No. 4 C.

E. Guthrie, Bill Campbell, Donn Kauffman and Bob Hale. No. 5 Leo Schuster, V. SERVICE STATION $5.00 IN TRADE To Each Driver Who Stops in During Grand Opening ROSES FOR THE FIRST 400 LADIES it TREATS FOR THE KIDDIES ic REGISTER FOR TEN VALUABLE Wat.

nttfertld HawtbarM, TSA troduced 16 members of the New! Richmond club. Euu Claire Markets Plymouth Cheese PLYMOUTH. (AP) Values were unchanged today on the Wisconsin Cheese Exchange with trading tone steady and final bids for Cheddars placed at 35c. Sales: 1 car state brand Cheddars, 34c. Unfilled bids: 4 cars Cheddars Dr.

Herb Grewe, in charge of golf, passed out golf ball prizes Heavy Breed Hens Leghorn Hens Old Roosters to 15 or more. Tnree-oau winners were. Bob Trump, Ted Litsheim, Bill Dorsey. Dr. A.

E. 0 Mtwt Mttale la the Morfta Maaatr 1tt-H Dupllcatloa Pea Wee Bolt laaa AM DupUtUoa Ralph Marten tad Oreaattra Neat Jaa Oarber tod Orcktttra ta Jan Tba Ivar? TtatB 11 Btw UJa-Stca Off 21 17 14 26 24 24 22 19 Petzold. C. E. Guthrie and Sy 34 3 cars Cheddars 35.

W. Rock Springs, ower 4 W. Rock- Springs, 3 to 4 Colored Springs, over 4 Colored Springs, 3 to 4 lbs. Leghorn Springs, over 3 Manlx. A boost by C.

Murphy held over until next meeting when Stanley Man Injured Prices on poultry. EGGS Hurst. Ralph Duchscher, a dlwmrd Ha mm failed to respond Phil Breitman. No. 6 a vi to his call.

(No Purchos. Necessary) DRAW1NG FOR PRIZES AUG. 30th 8 PA grand Opening days august 28-29-30 TONY MAL0M VfSJCBaT Grade A large 56 Wlra Grade A mediums 46 in Farm Accident Leader A Te1egrsni Newt STANLEY John Huzuga46, Grade 42 WtVMbf FfMMBl Fey, Don Bergman, Chuck Kaiser and Clayton Anderson; No, 7 Bob De Bonville, Dr. J. W.

Tanner, Mel Cohen and Connie Rice; -No. 8 Fran von Schrader, R. E. Culver, John Hoeppner and Witt Undergrades and small 29 Current Receipts or ungraded 48 a farmer residing -east of -Stan LONDON (AP) Britons win be able to white bread next week for the first time In 11 years. At midnight Saturday government control 6f the milUnS In- W.

DIYIX ley Is a patient at Victory Memorial Hospital In Stanley -covering from a farm accident sin av ttnANttt iiiiiiiiiitiiB t1I Sa. Barataw- tUm 4tt9 Dealer in Sinclair Product, ak im mmtm. vsini. u. dustry vVill end.

Millers will be About 700 million- pound, rMn. he suffered on Monday a noon. Starr Aye. Eddy lan Dial 2-9268 First Com CHAUTAUQUA, N. Y.

(UP) Mr. and Mrs. David have a tree, 120 feet high, growing through the porch of their house. The tree, was there first Mr. Thomas, sajd.

OtW Offltaa) 'A. 1 oi creamery ouuer were wUl be able to use it In While baling hay on his farm (Across from Sam Davey School) isejsL 0jlayllik PtJfM duced in 1952 than in 1940 in the loaves that will be free from he got hi right hand caught ia FtXKaf IMaTaBB United States. prlc controL ids Bauer -ana Bioiy cuu Hi 1,1 Mi, J- I 7. ii" -aii.

Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.