Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (2024)

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (1)

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Pickled vs Fermented Foods – Basic Differences

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Pickled vs Fermented – The Nitty Gritty

Health Differences

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Pickling and fermenting are both popular ways to preserve foods. The techniques make food last much longer and produce a delicious result. But, comparing pickled vs fermented foods can sometimes be confusing.

What exactly is the difference? And, is one type better than the other?

In this post, we’re taking a look at the two areas, along with some powerful recipes for each. After all, healthy food should taste good too.

Pickled vs Fermented Foods – Basic Differences

The main difference between pickled and fermented foods is how they’re made.

  • With pickling, you’re immersing the ingredients in something acidic – like vinegar. The process alters the texture and the taste of food, creating a sour flavor.
  • Fermenting doesn’t involve any extra acid. Instead, the sour taste comes from the reaction between compounds in the food and bacteria that are naturally present.

Basically, pickled foods are preserved through the acidity, while fermented foods are preserved through the bacteria and the fermentation processes.

Pickling is a general term, simply referring to preserving foods with an acidic medium. Fermentation is a specific type of pickling, where the acidic aspect comes from a chemical reaction, rather than being added.

More About Pickled Foods

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (2)

There are various ways to pickle foods. But, you’ll always be using some type of acidic solution. Most pickling approaches rely on heat too. That heat helps destroy any dangerous microbes and helps the food last longer.

When you think of pickling – you might imagine a long process, involving large amounts of vegetables, along with canning. Pickling that way is great if you have plenty of produce to preserve. But, there are faster approaches too.

For example, The Kitchen provides details about how to quick pickle vegetables.

  • The process involves a solution of vinegar, salt and water. Vegetables are pickled in it and can be stored in the fridge as-is (no need for canning).
  • It only takes a few days before your pickled vegetables can be enjoyed.
  • You can choose the type and shape of vegetable to focus on.
  • Most types of vinegar will work well, includingapple cider vinegar.
  • You can also add in whatever herbs and spices you like to adjust the flavor.Ginger,garlic,black pepper,turmeric and oregano are all examples.

You can also check out Epicurious. They offer a great guide that teaches you how to pickle pretty much anything. The piece includes details about ways to play around with flavors and create your own unique recipes.

Regardless of the approach you take, pickling should always focus on fresh vegetables. The goal is to preserve the freshness and flavor of the food when it is at its best. If the food is old, the finished product won’t be very good.

Pickling Recipes

Once you get familiar with pickling, you may not need a recipe at all. But, the three examples here are all great places to begin. They might also offer you some inspiration.

1. Quick Pickled Vegetables

Feasting at Homedeveloped thisQuick Pickled Vegetables recipe, which is most powerful for its versatility. You can use the recipe with any vegetable or combination of vegetables. There are also various links to individual recipes, likeMoroccan Eggplant Pickles, if you want something more specific.

2. Quick 10 Minute Pickled Jalapenos

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (3)

Image from Gimme Delicious

These Quick 10 Minute Pickled Jalapenos come from Gimme Delicious and they do look both fast and delicious. The recipe describes them as tangy, sweet and crunchy, which seems like a perfect combination. As Layla mentions, you can use the same principles with other vegetables as well, like sliced pickles or bell peppers.

3. Best Pickled Asparagus

This Best Pickled Asparagus recipe is from The Elliott Homestead and it’s perfect for any asparagus fans. The recipe is a great way to make asparagus taste better and last longer. Unlike the other examples, the emphasis here is canning, so it may not suit everyone. But, the recipe is still worth checking out.

More About Fermented Foods

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (4)

In fermentation, the sour flavor is produced by the action of bacteria, like the species lactobacilli. This organism converts starches and sugars into other components, such as lactic acid.

When you consume a fermented food, you’re eating the transformed food, along with the colonies of bacteria. The process doesn’t sound appealing, but fermented foods are safe and a common part of our diets. Plus, the bacteria are all good for you. They can help support the healthy bacteria that live in your gut.

Fermented foods can be broken down into a few general types:

  • Fermented fruits and vegetables – like fermented apples or sauerkraut
  • Fermented liquids – likekefir (fermented milk) or kombucha (fermented tea)
  • Fermented alcohol products – like beer

Each type has a different style and taste profile. For this discussion, fermented fruits and vegetables are the most interesting, as these have the same sour flavor that you find with pickled foods.

Another important aspect is that fermentation takes time. You can pickle something within a few days. But, fermented foods often take 10 days or more, depending on the recipe.

Fermenting Recipes

Fermenting is a versatile process and there are many great recipes to try. Each type of fermented food will have its own advantages – and some are easier than others to make.

These recipes are some of our favorites. They’re also a good way to begin your fermented foods journey.

1. Easy Vegan Kimchi

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (5)Save

Image from Minimalist Baker

ThisEasy Vegan Kimchirecipe comes from Dana atMinimalist Baker and it is surprisingly simple to make. Kimchi often seems difficult or confusing, especially if you’ve never tried it before. The dish is certainly unusual but it is well worth the effort. As Dana points out, you can add kimchi to many different meals, like veggie bowls or a stir-fry.

2. Fermented Carrots

ThisFermented Carrotsrecipe is fromRaising Generation Nourished and was developed with kids in mind. The recipe is very easy to prepare, requiring only a few ingredients. The finished carrots also taste appealing enough that kids should eat them without much hesitation. This is also a nice and simple way to get started with fermentation.

3. Vegan Coconut Milk Yogurt

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (6)

Image from Detoxinista

Detoxinista hosts this Vegan Coconut Milk Yogurt recipe, but you don’t need to be a vegan to try it. The recipe is simply an alternative to regular yogurt and has an interesting flavor profile. The recipe focuses on making the yogurt in an Instant Pot, which simplifies the process considerably. There are also instructions for people who don’t have an Instant Pot.

Related Article: Why Are Fermented Foods Good for You?

Pickled vs Fermented – The Nitty Gritty

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (7)

The distinction between pickled and fermented sounds like it should be simple. But, that’s not entirely true.

Pickling is basically just preserving food in brine. Still, many fermented food recipes have the same starting point.

  • For example, sauerkraut involves pickling cabbages and letting the resulting mixture ferment. That makes sauerkraut both pickled and fermented.
  • A similar pattern is true for dill pickles, where cucumbers are fermented in a salty solution. You’ll also find that some dill pickles have only been pickled, not fermented.

On the other hand, many other fermented foods aren’t pickled, like sourdough.

Buying Fermented Foods

If that wasn’t confusing enough – try shopping for the products. Companies often don’t use the term fermented, making it hard to figure out which products are fermented and which ones aren’t.

In some cases, foods may be fermented and heat treated. The heat treatment kills any bacteria (good or bad), so you don’t get probiotic benefits.

One key guide is the product labels. Look for terms like ‘live cultures’ or ‘source of probiotics’. Some brands will even list the species of bacteria that they use. These are key indications that the product is fermented.

Product labels are particularly important foryogurt. Many yogurt brands will contain live bacteria but not all of them. The species included also vary. Checking the labels gives you a good indication of what you’ll be eating.

You can also look for common fermented food, such as sauerkraut, kombucha and kefir. But remember, some of these will be heat treated – so check the labels carefully.

Health Differences

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (8)

Fermentation and pickling are both healthy. They’re ways to preserve food without the use of concerning chemicals. You also end up with something that tastes really good and relies on whole foods.

But, the two approaches have different health implications.

With pickled foods, any health benefits simply come from the ingredients that are included. For example, eating pickled cabbage means you’re consuming various nutrients and healthy compounds from cabbage.

Fermented foods have something extra – the bacteria. As a result, the foods act as a source of probiotics. Probiotics help to promote a healthy balance of bacteria in our gut, a practice that has many important outcomes.

  • Research suggests a connection betweenmental health and gut health. Probiotics may even play a role in decreasing depression risk or in treating the condition.
  • Probiotics can help improve glycemic control and HbA1c levels for diabetics (1,2,3).
  • They could be relevant for conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (4,5). Fermented foods are also important for overall digestive health.
  • There may be many more advantages as well, including anti-inflammatory impacts and the potential to lower the risk of disease (6,7).

Overall, fermented foods are much more relevant for health than pickled foods. Fermented foods should be a part of your diet for this reason alone.

Related Article: Why are Probiotics Good for You?

Final Thoughts

In the comparison of pickling vs fermenting, fermenting is the clear winner. There are many more potential health benefits and fermented foods also taste good.

Fermented foods are also becoming easier to find as their popularity increases. You’ll often find products like these at grocery stores and health food stores. Some cafés and restaurants are even beginning to offer fermented foods.

So, even if you don’t want to do fermentation yourself, there are plenty of options for eating fermented foods regularly.

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (9)

Want to Improve Your Health?

Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (10)

Better health starts in the kitchen, with the food that you eat and the meals you prepare. Getting the best outcomes involves making good choices about the food and the ingredients that you use.

Check out my recommended products to see where you can get started.

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Pickled vs Fermented Foods: How to Choose (Plus Recipes!) (2024)


What is the difference between pickled and fermented food? ›

An easy way to remember the difference between the two despite their overlap is that pickling involves putting food into an acidic brine to produce a sour flavor, whereas fermenting gives food a sour flavor without any added acid. Pickling is often the least healthy choice in terms of these two foods.

Is kimchi fermented or pickled? ›

Kimchi is a flavorful, sour, salty mix of fermented vegetables and seasonings that plays an important role in Korean culture.

What is the difference between canning and fermenting? ›

Canning stands out for its ability to preserve the flavours and textures of vegetables over time. However, it requires more equipment and effort and destroys some nutrients. Fermentation transforms fruit and vegetables into living foods, improves their nutritional value, and gives them new flavours.

What is the difference between pickled fish and fermented fish? ›

In short, here's what you need to remember: Pickling involves soaking foods in an acidic liquid to achieve a sour flavor; and fermentation generates a sour flavor as a result of a chemical reaction between a food's sugars and naturally present bacteria — no added acid required.

Are olives pickled or fermented? ›

Table olives are one of the main fermented vegetables in the world. Olives can be processed as treated or natural. Both have to be fermented but treated green olives have to undergo an alkaline treatment before they are placed in brine to start their fermentation.

Are pickled foods good for your gut? ›

Fermented foods like pickles are basically probiotic superfoods, packed full of good bacteria that can support the health of your gastrointestinal microbiome and are good for your gut bacteria. Be sure to go for fermented pickles rather than vinegar-pickled.

Is a fermented cucumber a pickle? ›

Both a pickled cucumber and a fermented cucumber will often be called pickles. Just to confuse everyone even more, the term “pickling” can sometimes mean pickling with vinegar or fermenting. In this guide, pickles mean submerging something in vinegar and fermenting is submerging something in water & salt.

Are grocery store pickles fermented? ›

Are Pickles Fermented? Quick pickles are not fermented, but lacto-fermented pickles are fermented. Quick pickles, the most common type of pickle found in grocery stores, are not fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine.

Are pickled beets considered fermented? ›

Pickled beets also contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of potassium, calcium, and iron. The micronutrient content of pickled beets varies depending on how the beets were processed. Because pickled beets are fermented, they are rich in probiotics.

Are mason jars safe for fermentation? ›

Yes, Mason jars are recommended for fermentation.

What bacteria is killed in canning? ›

Low-acid foods such as vegetables, meat, poultry and fish must be pressure canned at the recommended time and temperature to destroy Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium that causes botulism food poisoning.

Are Claussen pickles fermented? ›

Are Claussen Pickles Fermented? No, Claussen pickles are pickled, not fermented. Pickled foods are preserved by being soaked in a vinegar solution. Claussen pickles are refrigerated because they are not pasteurized, but they don't have probiotics.

Is sauerkraut pickled or fermented? ›

Sauerkraut is made by a process of pickling called lactic acid fermentation that is analogous to how traditional (not heat-treated) pickled cucumbers and kimchi are made. The cabbage is finely shredded, layered with salt, and left to ferment.

Which is better for you, pickled or fermented? ›

Fermented foods win heavily in the categories of probiotics, bio-availability of nutrients, vitamins (especially vitamin K), enzymes, and beneficial acid levels, and taste. Where taste is concerned, the chemical reaction of a fermentation gives a taste profile that's more complex and flavourful than that of pickling.

What is the nasty canned fermented fish? ›

A newly opened can of surströmming has one of the most putrid food smells in the world, even stronger than similarly fermented fish dishes such as the Korean hongeo-hoe, the Japanese kusaya or the Icelandic hákarl, making surströmming an acquired taste.

Is vinegar a fermented food? ›

Vinegar is a well-known fermented food all over the world. In European countries, vinegar is mainly produced using liquid-state fermentation, such as balsamic vinegar, sherry vinegar, and apple cider vinegar.

Are real pickles fermented? ›

Real Pickles® are made with the traditional fermentation method, used for centuries all over the world.


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